Dog bathing, grooming, and more

Top of the line grooming and bathing products are key to you and your dog being happy with your time and money.

No question, regular grooming is a great way to keep puppy looking great. Not only will your dog thank you, so will your veterinarian. Maintaining a dog’s coat, nails, and ears plays a huge roll in your companion’s health and quality of life. If you’re limited on room, proper tools, or time for any part of the grooming process, we can provide the service, product, and resources for your problem.

Myownly Boarding Kennel has proudly provided premium dog grooming for 30 years. You can schedule a day to drop off your pooch or incorporate spa services with your boarding appointment.

Please note that we have limited slots and you cannot make grooming reservations online. Please contact us via email [email protected] to schedule.

At this time we are not offering cat grooming services.

Grooming prices